Exhuming and Other Fine Hobbies

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Exhuming and Other Fine Hobbies

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Help Seth get the other half of his map back from a former partner. You'll need to steal the partner away from some deputies, though.

Rewards: Pardon Letter (if not used), +75 Fame

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Marston finds Seth in a grave at Coot's Chapel. After a rocky introduction he'll explain that he hates people for making him crazy. John manages to get Seth to talk a little more and finds out that Seth's partner, Moses Forth, stole half of Seth's map. Moses is being held by the law at Benedict Point for exhuming graves. John makes a deal to help Seth see Moses and get the map if Seth will help him. Seth agrees.

Breaking the law

Follow Seth to Benedict Point. Along the way you'll be given more proof of his insanity while he defends his exhuming of the dead. He'll also mention his connection to Bill Williamson and how he could easily help you get into Fort Mercer. Seth will reveal that the map is a treasure map and he lost his family plus everything else over it. When you get near the outpost a marker will appear. Run to it.


Arriving at Benedict Point, Seth will tell you that Moses is being held by deputies in a shack across the way. He'll tell you to distract the deputies and lead them away so he can get to Moses. Steal one of the deputies' horses and ride off. Lose the lawmen by running out of sight so that your wanted level decreases (the large red circle on your radar/mini map will turn black). Once your wanted level is completely gone, return to Seth who is standing at the train station. You will have a $20 bounty for stealing the horse and possibly more if you tried to shoot the deputies.

Take care of business

A cutscene will show Seth attempting to see Moses but he'll push open the door into Seth and escape. Chase down Moses either on foot or by horse and lasso him. He runs fast so you may need the horse if you aren't quick. Hogtie him and take him back to Seth who is waiting behind a small stable. The controls will be displayed if needed. Place Moses down at the marker. Seth and John persuade Moses to talk and find out the map is at Odd Fellow's Rest. Seth will then give John a pardon letter to clear the bounty. He'll tell you to take care of it right now at the telegraph office.

Go into the office (the train station) and speak with the clerk. Use the pardon letter or pay cash if you have it to clear your bounty. Your charges will be displayed. Seth will thank you for the help and agree to come help John when he needs it. He'll then ride off.

Gold Tips

  • Stay with Seth towards Benedict Point.
  • Sprint away from him at a small railroad bridge. The yellow marker will appear around the bend.
  • Take the horse closest to the deputies. You might take a couple bullets.
  • Be aware of the horse's stamina. Tap sprint every 3 gallops and stick to roads when possible.
  • Sprint away and back to Seth after your wanted level is lost.
  • Easy way I found is to go left from the station and make a long right around the rock formation (off the road) past Solomon's Folly. Make sure both deputies follow far behind and you can head back towards Seth while losing the remaining wanted level.
  • Remember the deputies need to see you for the wanted level to gain again.
  • Sprint after Moses. Make a slight right from your starting position and run straight to intercept and lasso/hogtie him.
  • If you get Moses close to the station, just run him back to Seth on foot. Otherwise use your horse.
  • Sprint into the telegraph office and talk to the clerk. Either use your new pardon letter or pay cash. Note: During replays you will not have cash.

Seth Briars | Exhuming and Other Fine Hobbies > A Gentle Drive with Friends