Rockstar Event Details: RDR on PS3 July 13th

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The multiplayer event wrapped up today but you can play with Rockstar Games tomorrow, July 13th, from 4 to 7 PM Eastern on the PlayStation Network when they'll be hosting the latest event in the Social Club Multiplayer Events Series, part of our brand new calendar that takes us all the way through September.


Rockstar will be holding a live chat as well as streaming the entire event on the Social Club Multiplayer Events page. There you'll be able to discuss all of action as it happens as well as keep up with the modes they're playing as the evening moves along.

From Rockstar:

Start multiplayer from the main menu. This will place you into a Free Roam lobby. Invite at least one friend and form a posse. Then enter the game mode being discussed by "SocialClub" in the chat. We'll be playing multiple game modes during the event, including some Hardcore Free Roam.

Free Roam is the hub of your online experience. Supporting up to 16 players, Free Roam allows you to explore with your friends and enemies, take out the gangs of outlaws or launch into more structured gameplay using the markers placed around the world. We'll be forming posses and then heading into several game modes during the evening.

To start the game, invite your friends, form a posse and find Rockstar, follow these steps:
  1. From the main menu, press 'Start' and then enter 'Online Multiplayer' by pressing the 'Square' button.
  2. Once in a Free Roam lobby, press the 'Select' button to open the in-game multiplayer menu.
  3. Press the 'R1' button and then the 'Triangle' button to 'Show Friends'. Invite at least one friend into your posse using the 'X' button.
  4. Once your friends are in the game, press the 'Triangle' button again to return to the 'Players' menu and select them with the 'X' button to 'Propose New Posse' or 'Send Posse Invite'.
  5. Once you and your friends are ready to go, start up the game mode we're currently playing. We will be starting in Gang Shootout.

Remember you must have one friend in your posse to play with Rockstar. And as stated, pay close attention to the chat to know what game mode we're currently playing.

  • RedDeadDev3
  • RedDeadDev4
  • RedDeadDev5
  • RedDeadDev6

And for those of you on Xbox LIVE, be sure to mark your calendars for Saturday, July 24th when we'll be playing some Red Dead from 1-4PM Eastern. And once again, see the new calendar for information on all live stream events happening over the next three months. See you there!

Discuss multiplayer and posse up with other players in our Red Dead Redemption forums!